VCA Graduated Artist Awards

VCA Graduated Artist Awards

White Story Founder and Creative Director Fiona Myer is passionate about emerging artists and has had a long association with the Victorian College of the Arts. 

The Fiona and Sidney Myer Gallery is a highly influential art space that focuses on the curatorship of new work by local, national, and international artists. The Gallery fosters connections and exchanges between artists, academics, students and members of the public. 

Spanning over two decades, Fiona has supported and awarded the most exceptional students at the Victorian College of Arts. These awards provide encouragement for graduating artists in one of the most formative periods of their lives. 

We are thrilled to award Hugh Crowley the 2022 Fiona Myer 'White on White' Award, for his work “Giving and Receiving.”

Hugh’s sculpture utilises wax as a medium, the wax is important as it creates a temple quality to the piece. Although the candles aren’t a light, the piece focuses on the idea of time, and how if the candles were lit, the piece would only last until it burnt down. The piece sheds light on the experience of space and how spaces have limited qualities and it shifts through experiences. The wax as a material has a flexibility and changeability to it. 

The 2022 VCA Art Grad Show is on display from 11am - 5pm from the 24th of November until the 1st of December at the University of Melbourne Southbank campus.

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